Group Psychotherapy

Associates in Psychotherapy
The purpose of group psychotherapy is to help clients address their issues with other people struggling with similar or related problems. The group process is an interactive one. Group members provide feedback to one another and share their personal experiences as it pertains to the group topic. Group psychotherapy is also educational. Group facilitators may provide psycho-education on selected topics and group members may disseminate useful information to others in the group.

Group psychotherapy also is designed to help clients develop more self awareness as it pertains to interpersonal relationships. The group context enables clients to examine their reactions to others, interpersonal patterns, and communication styles. Further, participants benefit from listening and observing how others handle certain interpersonal situations that occur in their lives or that may occur between group members during a session. The group format is a powerful tool for members to gain a greater understanding about how their behavior affects their relationships with others. In addition to receiving emotional support from the other group members, the group format can be used as a “testing ground” to modify certain social skills, communication patterns, and to build upon existing strengths. Overall, group psychotherapy’s goal is to help participants lead healthier, meaningful lives and have more satisfying relationships inside and outside of the group context.

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